Sports artificial turf
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Sports Collection
The sports range of artificial grass was designed to reduce maintenance and increase the strength of the product.
The investment in R+D+I has resulted in a quality product which, when applied to different pitches, meets the manufacturing requirements of the various international organisations: FIFA, FIH, IFT…
This is why Evolution Grass is positioned as one of the leading companies in the artificial grass market for sport.

Artificial Grass for Tennis
Artificial grass is ideal for tennis courts as it offers benefits that make it the best choice. Among them we can highlight that: it allows to practice the sport in any time of the year.
Artificial Grass for Football
The evolution of artificial turf for football is what has made its use increasingly common.
In addition, efforts to make it look like natural grass have enabled the ball to roll and bounce better.

Artificial Grass for Paddle Tennis
The use of artificial turf for paddle tennis is becoming increasingly popular. Paddle tennis players prefer it because it reduces injuries, as the sport used to be played on concrete.
Césped artificial para golf
Esta es una de las disciplinas que cada año gana más aficionados. Por eso, en Evolution Grass ofrecemos un producto que se asemeja, en sensación y apariencia, al natural. Además, disponemos de césped con relleno de arena de sílice, el mejor para tiros largos.

Artificial Grass for Multisports
After being contraindicated because of the tendency to produce burns in athletes, artificial grass for sport has been reinvented. As a result, it is now highly recommended by sports associations.
Artificial Grass for Gyms
To choose the best artificial turf for your gym you must first consider the comfort it can provide to users, then the durability and resistance it will have for constant footsteps, jumping and sliding of heavy objects.
When artificial turf is installed, your gym will look natural and attract more users.